Thursday, May 27, 2010

SANCTUARY LETTERS--One Life, Lived in Sanctuary, Changes Everything

We all have opinions about someTHING. Blogs are filled with information about people, places, politics, programs…and the list goes on. Yet, despite all the availability of ideas I find myself getting more confused and more removed from real relationship than ever before. It’s as if information has replaced the invitation to open up, to share not about what’s going on in the outside world but what is really going on from within.

So instead of writing about someTHING I’ve decided to write to someONE with the intention of connecting personally and honoring thoroughly one life that has impacted mine.

Each week I will select one person who, in small or abundant ways is living in Sanctuary. It may be that this person is going through something that I understand. Or it could be that he/she has impacted who I am. It may be that I admire the person's work…or, perhaps I am simply struck by something that he/she did to make the world more beautiful. It may be a time in his/her life that requires a little support. Or it may be that my writing is in celebration of a special time or place that holds significance.

No matter the motivation, One Life Lived in Sanctuary is a spotlight of spirit, a placecard for a special guest who understands the essence of Sanctuary Living.

In honor of One Life,



Honors Ms. JoAnn McDonald Truax

Dear JoAnn:

For most of us strong-willed women the word “surrender” isn’t in our vocabulary. Armed with our unquenchable determination we will ourselves to achieve, to conquer, to win even at the expense of our health, our well being, our very lives. We are women who know how to dance. We know what is required and we alter and accelarate our steps to remain in perfect rhythm with those who want it done…and done with perfection. We are “first responders,”—the go-to gals who will stop at nothing to accomplish the goal with a far greater and more exquisite outcome than anyone expected.

For us, your WHITE FRIDAY carries significance far deeper than the mere thumbing of a day of precisely opposite color that we, as retail professionals, alternately delight in and despise. Both Black and WHITE Fridays are of our creation—one a metaphor of our frenetic, desparate need to attain, the other a reflection of the inexplicable peace that comes from letting go.

Herein lies the power of surrender. On Friday, May 28th you will open your hands and capitulate to a deep and abiding understanding that now is the time to move on.

And while you leave behind people and a place that you adore, you take away the knowledge that the industry you love, loved you back and with gusto.

Nearly 20 years ago I had the pleasure of working with you on projects that we threw our whole selves into. We were passionate. We were dedicated. We were unstoppable.

The fire in our bellies hasn’t changed. But what fuels that fire has. Through the years I have watched you from afar. I have been in circles when conversation turned to how lovely you still are. I have noted your accomplishments through industry news. And I have watched as your mentors and superiors speak of you with high regard and a sense of contributory pride. The fuel that feeds your fire is the people who love and admire you. Not for what you’ve done. But for who you are.

Through the years you have brought the authentic “you” to the party, time and time again. You are steadfast. Loyal. Capable. Remarkable.

On my tombstone I will have written, “lingering is gauche.” Most of us stay on the same stage too long hoping, somehow, to perfect our performance by repeating it to the same audience over and over again. For you, there is no need to continue to perfect. We know who you are. And who you take with you no matter where you go.

In this season of new discovery I wish you many “White Fridays” ahead, days when you surrender what is good to make room for what is best.

My Love and Congratulations,


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