Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's the time of year when colorfully-embossed cards start pouring in announcing Graduation of young men and women I rarely hear from who ‘belong’ to men and women I love.

While bold and enthusiastic, the obvious pride of the collective educational community embodied in mascots (Indians, Jaguars, Wildcats), can’t begin to compare to the overflowing measure of joy and honor reflected in the names printed inside.

I run my fingers over the letters as first, middle, and last name not only depict an immeasurable pride but anchor in the accomplishment of the present and recall that day when each was first chosen and spoken~

At once there rises a confounding notion that nothing purchased could measure up to this grand accomplishment of being, this PROCESS OF BECOMING. And while graduating from high school or college may be the cause for celebration it is, for me, the SHOWING UP that wins over my heart and causes tears to flow. May we never take for granted, especially now and BECAUSE of now, that our children manage not only to survive but thrive despite and within the chaos of a busy world.

Community is a warm cocoon that wraps us in the knowledge and understanding of ourselves. If we are blessed, we see the best of ourselves reflected in the eager eyes of another who seeks us out in a crowd. In acknowledging this we understand how grief and joy inhabit the same space as the cocoon breaks open and releases the butterfly.

Beyond friends and hallways, dorm rooms and libraries, families and cozy clean-sheet beds is a relentless unknown that is big and hopeful, challenging and inspiring, anonymous and heroic…

No matter if the leaving is of high school or University the BECOMING never ceases. If we’re wise we view the process as a great hunt—YOU being chased by average and complacency, THE PATH unfolding as the unwillingness to accept anything less than YOUR personal best.

That our BEST IS ENOUGH is the focus as we are mindful not to allow our eyes to wander to someone else’s lane. Graduate, yours has been prepared just for you. Its length and depth and bredth have been designed to rise up and embrace each step you take.

I pray that your path is risky without being dangerous. I pray that your feet will ache from the pursuit of honor and integrity as you find and follow your call.

It is important for you to know that I loved you first because I loved and admired your Mom and Dad. It is more important for you to know that I love you now because of who YOU are in the world.


Your boyish grin and piercing eyes reveal at once a rebel and scholar. You are one with whom to be reckoned as you will quietly insist that the world get it right.


Your external beauty may catch their attention but your breathtaking interior is what will cause others to linger. Through body, mind, and spirit you have much to say and the world will listen.


Your grace in submission and reverence for others is matched by an unbridled spirit that points to a glorious confidence in self. Your future will be as a well-loved leader in service of others.


Your unquenchable curiosity and keen intellect have enabled you to not only “take in” but discern what is worthy of keeping. Your loyalty to people and cause will position you as indispensible in all you do.

These four may not know each other. But they are linked and not just because of me. They are sisters and brother finding their way. They belong one to another—responsible to themselves and to the community and world they are creating. What Blake does in Washington will impact Shelby in New York. The choices Emily makes in Colorado will affect Mackenzie way down in Georgia.

I close my eyes and run my fingers over and through the embossment. Class of 2011. I don’t have to see it to know that it’s there. Like what lies ahead as these four BECOME I can feel it. And it feels good.

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